Transactions Overview – Page 2

Transactions Overview

Transactions Module Tour 2:

  • Take Advantage of Simple Electronic Billing
  • Posting Payments and Adjustments More Efficiently
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Take Advantage of Simple Electronic Billing

With seamless integration with EZ-EClaim™, sending claims electronically is a one-step process that never requires double entry. All claims are audited for accuracy before they are sent to payers, this helps avoid the costly delays and unpaid claims due to unnecessary errors. EproMedical automates many steps in the process of compiling claims’ information and information about the sender and receiver, making it easy for you to implement electronic billing.

Posting Payments and Adjustments More Efficiently

It is also efficient in handing check return and patient or insurance refund.

The Transactions module significantly simplifies the process of posting insurance payments and the breakdown of payment by procedure. The task is more efficient, produces less errors and consumes less amount of staff time. With the ability to automate the entire process, the Transactions module can be integrated with EZ-EClaim EOB module to provide automatic posting of payment to patient accounts complete with breakdown by procedure.