Account Status

Account Status module tracks ongoing financial histories of patients. It aids clinicians in reviewing prior encounters with the organization, and enables business staff to see and understand individuals’ prior visits and treatments, as well as the charges of each. Account Status can instantly confirm that the charges listed on a bill match the procedures performed and efficiently answer patients’ billing queries.

Account Status Module Tour :

  • Display All Crucial Data in One Table
  • Access to Transaction Details of a Procedure More Easily
  • Comprehensive Billing History Log

Display All Crucial Data in One Table

Financial Modules - Account Status

The module offers a comprehensive display of all crucial data in one view. The table can be expanded into full screen view mode, and with the flexibility to hide or freeze data columns, it increases data access for business office and collections staff without increasing the need for printed reports or navigating through additional screens.

Access to Transaction Details of a Procedure More Easily

Financial Modules - Account Status

With the double-click of a mouse, you can access all transactional details of a procedure. This allows you to investigate from the charge to its corresponding events, giving you all the information necessary to effectively respond to secondary payers or claims denials.

Comprehensive Billing History Log

Financial Modules - Account Status

Every billing statements sent to a patient is saved in the Billing History log. From the log, you can access information from a past statement at any time. The log provides you with comprehensive billing information to quickly respond to patient’s inquiries.